The Rubric gives a sense that technology shouldn't be a crutch but an aid, supporting instruction and goals. Technology shouldn't be integrated just for the sake of integrating technology. I absolutely agree with that. Technology should facilitate learning not become the sole reason for it.
Ch. 1 Technology Application Activity p. 30:
1. I acquired another TPACK instrument online through a Google search. This alternative rubric was much more detailed in its analysis of integration of technology. It still had the same interests for analyzing integration of technology in the classroom. However, it went into far more detail about the overlap of instruction and implementation of technology (This reminds me of the Venn diagram shown on page 19 in the textbook (Roblyer, 19)). This instrument considers how a teacher's knowledge of their content area affects how they teach and how they utilize technology.
2. I suppose two indicators that would be important for measuring Tech-Pack growth would be a sense of my own progression in knowledge of content knowledge and knowledge about technology. While I feel pretty confident about my knowledge of my content area, I don't feel quite as confident in my knowledge of technology. This lack of knowledge could potentially impair future instruction of my subject.
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