Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Reflections on the Web of Wonders Project

The Web of Wonders project gave us an opportunity to select a topic that had really interested us during this course and delve into it more deeply than ever before. It also allowed us to use the technology and multimedia resources we had come to know throughout this class in order to creatively discuss something we found important and meaningful.

I've been truly quite passionate and fascinated by the intersection of the issues regarding digital citizenship, digital literacy, and research and writing in the classroom. Additionally, I've found it incredibly pressing how these issues relate to students' personal growth and identity formation.

Now, my Web of Wonders project did not have all the breathing room to tackle all of these concerns. My screencast runs just shy of 5 minutes and only begins to scratch the surface of the subject. If you're interested you can read my reflective essay which goes into much, much, much more detail on my thoughts on the topic. 

But I think just by scratching the surface of this subject, I really got to convey some of the importance of these issues and why they so thoroughly intrigue me. It all goes back to my philosophy of education statement. My statement centers around developing the personal growth of students right alongside the intellectual growth. How that personal growth takes place is changing due to new realities of the digital age. I offer some thoughts on how and why we should confront this pressing issue.

The Web of Wonders was a nice summation of a number of the major learning outcomes from this course. It forced us to reflect upon the key takeaways we derived from this course and then use technology to articulate them.

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